Berk Gökberk
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Engineering
Boğaziçi University
berk.gokberk @
Berk Gökberk graduated from the Computer Engineering Department, Boğaziçi University, Turkey, in 1999. He obtained his MS and PhD degrees from the same department in 2001 and 2006. During his graduate study, he focused on 2D and 3D face recognition. From 2006 until 2008, he was a senior scientist at the Information Systems and Security department, Philips Research Eindhoven, where he conducted research on biometrics, especially fingerprint biometrics, template protection systems, and 3D face recognition. From 2008 until 2013, he was with the Signals of Systems group in the Department of Electrical Engineering Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente. From 2014 until 2021, he worked as an Assistant Professor in the Computer Engineering Department at MEF University. Currently, he is a faculty member in the Department of Computer Engineering at Boğaziçi University.
Research Interests
Computer vision, machine learning, biometrics, face recognition, fingerprint recognition,
classifier fusion, forensics, surveillance, and computer graphics
Academic Profile
Google Scholar, Orcid, Scopus, DBLP, Semantic Scholar
2001-2006: PhD, Boğaziçi University, Department of Computer Engineering
1999-2001: MSc, Boğaziçi University, Department of Computer Engineering
1994-1999: BSc, Boğaziçi University, Department of Computer Engineering
2021 – Present: Boğaziçi University, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Faculty member
2014 – 2021: Boğaziçi University, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Part-time faculty member
2014 – 2021: MEF University, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Assistant Professor
2008 – 2013: University of Twente, The Netherlands, Department of EEMC, Researcher
2006 – 2008: Philips Research, The Netherlands, ISS Group, Senior Scientist
1999 – 2006: Boğaziçi University, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Teaching Assistant
1998 – 1999: Oracle Turkey, Technical Analyst
2006, Best PhD Thesis Award
Boğaziçi University, Three-dimensional Face Recognition
2024, Alper Atalay Award, 2nd Prize
Kantarcı MG, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2024), "A Novel Part-based Benchmark for 3D Object Reconstruction; [3B Nesne Geriçatma İçin Parça Tabanlı Değerlendirme Önerisi]" , In IEEE 32nd Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications. [
2024, Alper Atalay Award, 3rd Prize
Özçelik TO, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2024), "Self-Supervised Dense Visual Representation Learning; [Kendini Eğiterek Sık Görsel Temsil Öğrenimi]", In IEEE 32nd Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications. [
2023, Sıddık Boğa Yarman Award, 3rd Prize
Girgin E, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2023), "A Novel Occlusion Index; [Yeni Bir Örtme Endeksi]", In IEEE 31st Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications. [DOI] [URL]
2012, Best Paper Award
Alyüz N, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2012), "Adaptive model-based 3D face registration for occlusion invariance", In European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops - Benchmarking Facial Image Analysis Technologies.
2007, Best Student Paper Award (Alper Atalay)
Gökberk B, Dutaǧaci H, Akarun L and Sankur B (2007), "Analysis of representation and feature extraction schemes for 3D face recognition; [3B yüz tanima i̇çin betimleme ve öznitelik çikarim yöntemlerinin incelenmesi]", In IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications. [
2006, Best Student Paper Award
Gökberk B and Akarun L (2006), "Comparative analysis of decision-level fusion algorithms for 3D face recognition", In International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. 3, pp. 1018 – 1021. [
DOI] [URL] Track: Systems, Robotics, and Applications
2005, Best Paper Award
Gökberk B, Irfanoglu MO, Akarun L and Alpaydin E (2005), "Selection of location, frequency, and orientation parameters of 2D Gabor wavelets for face recognition", In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Advanced Studies in Biometrics). Vol. 3161, pp. 138 – 146. [
2004, Second Best Student Paper Award (Alper Atalay)
Irfanoǧlu MO, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2004), "3D shape-based face recognition using registered surface similarity", In IEEE 12th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference. , pp. 571 – 574 [DOI] [URL]