List of Publications
Kantarcı MG, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2025), "Unveiling limitations of 3D object reconstruction models through a novel benchmark", Signal, Image, and Video Processing. Vol. 19(1) [DOI] [URL]
Erdem DB and Gökberk B (2024), "Analysis of Viewpoint Dependency in Gait Recognition; [Yürüyüş Tanıma Yöntemlerinin Bakış Açısına Göre Analizi]", In IEEE 32nd Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications. [DOI] [URL]
Girgin E, Akarun L and Gökberk B (2024), "Detection and Quantification of Occlusion for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation", In 2nd ICPR Workshop on Facial and Body Expressions.
Kantarcı MG, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2024), "A Novel Part-based Benchmark for 3D Object Reconstruction; [3B Nesne Geriçatma İçin Parça Tabanlı Değerlendirme Önerisi]" , In IEEE 32nd Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications. [DOI] [URL]
Özçelik TO, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2024), "Self-Supervised Dense Visual Representation Learning; [Kendini Eğiterek Sık Görsel Temsil Öğrenimi]", In IEEE 32nd Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications. [DOI] [URL]
Abdi Y, Küllü Ö, Keleş MK and Gökberk B (2023), "CPW-DICE: a novel center and pixel-based weighting for damage segmentation", Connection Science. Vol. 35(1) [DOI] [URL]
Girgin E, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2023), "A Novel Occlusion Index; [Yeni Bir Örtme Endeksi]", In IEEE 31st Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications. [DOI] [URL]
Yıldız BI and Gökberk B (2023), "A Survey of Deepfake Detection Methods; [Derin Sahte Yüz Tespit Yöntemlerinin Incelenmesi]", In IEEE 31st Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications. [DOI] [URL]
Atıcı E, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2022), "Detection of Free-Standing Conversational Groups with Graph Convolutional Networks", In International Conference on Pattern Recognition. , pp. 1041 – 1047. [DOI] [URL]
Kantarcı MG, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2022), "A Survey of 3D Object Reconstruction Methods; [3B Nesne Geriçatma Yöntemlerinin Incelemesi]" , In IEEE 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference. [DOI] [URL]
Temiz H, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2021), "TurCoins: Turkish republic coin dataset; [TurCoins: Türkiye cumhuriyeti madeni para veri kümesi]", In IEEE 29th Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications. [DOI] [URL]
Aktas M, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2019), "Recognizing Non-Manual Signs in Turkish Sign Language", In 9th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications. [DOI] [URL]
Temiz H, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2019), "Multi-view Reconstruction of 3D Human Pose with Procrustes Analysis", In 9th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications. [DOI] [URL]
Camgöz NC, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2015), "Facial landmark localization in depth images using Supervised Descent Method; [Yüz Derinlik Imgelerinde Güdümlü Iniş Yöntemini Kullanarak Nirengi Noktasi Bulma]", In IEEE 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference. , pp. 1997 – 2000. [DOI] [URL]
Camgöz NC, Štruc V, Gökberk B, Akarun L and Kindiroglu AA (2015), "Facial Landmark Localization in Depth Images Using Supervised Ridge Descent", In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops. , pp. 378 – 383. [DOI] [URL]
Akkermans AHM, Boughorbel S, Breebaart DJ, Bruekers AAML, Gokberk B, De Groot KTJ, Kelkboom EJC, Kevenaar TAM and Lemma AN (2014), "Robust biometric feature extraction with and without reference point. US Patent 8,655,026"
Alyüz N, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2014), "Detection of realistic facial occlusions for robust 3D face recognition", In International Conference on Pattern Recognition. , pp. 375 – 380. [DOI] [URL]
Alyüz N, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2014), "Masked projection for 3D face recognition under occlusion; [Örtmeli durumlarda 3B yüz tanima içinmaskeli izdüşüm]", In IEEE 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference. , pp. 1746 – 1749. [DOI] [URL]
Alyüz N, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2014), "Robust 3D face identification in the presence of occlusions", Face Recognition in Adverse Conditions. , pp. 124 – 146. IGI Global. [DOI] [URL]
Alyüz N, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2013), "3-D face recognition under occlusion using masked projection", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. Vol. 8(5), pp. 789 – 802. [DOI] [URL]
Peng Y, Spreeuwers L, Gökberk B and Veldhuis R (2013), "Comparison of super-resolution benefits for downsampled images and real low-resolution data", In 34th WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux. , pp. 244 – 251.
Alyüz N, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2012), "Adaptive model-based 3D face registration for occlusion invariance", In European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops - Benchmarking Facial Image Analysis Technologies.
Alyüz N, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2012), "Adaptive registration for occlusion robust 3D face recognition", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops). Vol. 7585, pp. 557 – 566. [DOI] [URL]
Alyüz N, Gökberk B, Spreeuwers L, Veldhuis R and Akarun L (2012), "Robust 3D face recognition in the presence of realistic occlusions", In 5th International Conference on Biometrics. , pp. 111 – 118. [DOI] [URL]
Peng Y, Gökberk B, Spreeuwers L and Veldhuis R (2012), "An evaluation of super-resolution for face recognition", In 33rd WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux. , pp. 36 – 43.
Alyüz N, Gökberk B, Spreeuwers L, Veldhuis R and Akarun L (2011), "Occlusion-robust 3D face recognition using restoration and local classifiers; [Geri çatma ve bölgesel sınıflandırıcılar ile örtmeye dayanıklı 3B yüz tanıma]", In IEEE 19th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference. , pp. 750 – 753. [DOI] [URL]
Alyüz N, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2010), "Regional registration for expression resistant 3-D face recognition", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. Vol. 5(3), pp. 425 – 440. [DOI] [URL]
Alyüz N, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2009), "Regional registration and curvature descriptors for expression resistant 3D face recognition; [İfadeye dayanıklı 3B yüz tanıma için bölgesel kayıtlama ve kıvrım betimleyicileri]", In IEEE 17th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference. , pp. 544 – 547. [DOI] [URL]
Dibeklioǧlu H, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2009), "Nasal region-based 3D face recognition under pose and expression variations", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (International Conference on Biometrics). Vol. 5558, pp. 309 – 318. [DOI] [URL]
Gökberk B, Ali Salah A, Akarun L, Etheve R, Riccio D and Dugelay J-L (2009), "3D face recognition", Guide to Biometric Reference Systems and Performance Evaluation. , pp. 263 – 295. Springer Verlag. [DOI] [URL]
Gökberk B, Spreeuwers LJ and Veldhuis R (2009), "Fusion of likelihood ratio classifier with ICP-based matcher for 3D face recognition", In 30th WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux.
Xu H, Veldhuis RNJ, Bazen AM, Kevenaar TAM, Akkermans TAHM and Gökberk B (2009), "Fingerprint verification using spectral minutiae representations", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. Vol. 4(3), pp. 397 – 409. [DOI] [URL]
Alyüz N, Dibeklioǧlu H, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2008), "Part-based registration for expression resistant 3D face recognition; [İfadeye dayanıklı 3B yüz tanıma için parçaya dayalı kayıtlama]", In IEEE 16th Signal Processing, Communication and Applications Conference. [DOI] [URL]
Alyüz N, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2008), "A 3D face recognition system for expression and occlusion invariance", In IEEE 2nd International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems. , pp. 1 – 7. [DOI] [URL]
Alyüz N, Gökberk B, Dibeklioǧlu H and Akarun L (2008), "Component-based registration with curvature descriptors for expression insensitive 3D face recognition", In IEEE 8th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. [DOI] [URL]
Alyüz N, Gökberk B, Dibeklioǧlu H, Savran A, Salah AA, Akarun L and Sankur B (2008), "3D face recognition benchmarks on the Bosphorus database with focus on facial expressions", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (European Workshop on Biometrics and Identity Management). Vol. 5372, pp. 57 – 66. [DOI] [URL]
Gökberk B, Dutagaci H, Ulas A, Akarun L and Sankur B (2008), "Representation plurality and fusion for 3-D face recognition", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics. Vol. 38(1), pp. 155 – 173. [DOI] [URL]
Savran A, Alyüz N, Dibeklioǧlu H, Çeliktutan O, Gökberk B, Sankur B and Akarun L (2008), "Bosphorus database for 3D face analysis", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (European Workshop on Biometrics and Identity Management). Vol. 5372, pp. 47 – 56. [DOI] [URL]
Dutaǧacı H, Gökberk B, Sankur B and Akarun L (2007), "A study on region-based recognition of 3D faces with expression variations", In European Signal Processing Conference. , pp. 753 – 757. [URL]
Gökberk B, Dutaǧaci H, Akarun L and Sankur B (2007), "Analysis of representation and feature extraction schemes for 3D face recognition; [3B yüz tanima i̇çin betimleme ve öznitelik çikarim yöntemlerinin i̇ncelenmesi]", In IEEE 15th Signal Processing and Communications Applications. [DOI] [URL]
Gökberk B, Irfanoǧlu MO, Akarun L and Alpaydin E (2007), "Learning the best subset of local features for face recognition", Pattern Recognition. Vol. 40(5), pp. 1520 – 1532. [DOI] [URL]
Kelkboom E, Gökberk B, Kevenaar T, Akkermans A and Van Der Veen M (2007), ""3D Face": Biometric template protection for 3D face recognition", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (International Conference on Biometrics). Vol. 4642, pp. 566 – 573. [DOI] [URL]
Gökberk B and Akarun L (2006), "Comparative analysis of decision-level fusion algorithms for 3D face recognition", In International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. 3, pp. 1018 – 1021. [DOI] [URL]
Gökberk B, Irfanoǧlu MO and Akarun L (2006), "3D shape-based face representation and feature extraction for face recognition", Image and Vision Computing. Vol. 24(8), pp. 857 – 869. [DOI] [URL]
Salah AA, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2006), "Üç Boyutlu Yüz Tanıma", In 5th GAP Engineering Congress.
Akarun L, Gökberk B and Salah AA (2005), "3D face recognition for biometric applications", In 13th European Signal Processing Conference. , pp. 2094 – 2098. [URL]
Gökberk B and Akarun L (2005), "Selection and extraction of patch descriptors for 3D face recognition", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences). Vol. 3733, pp. 718 – 727. [DOI] [URL]
Gökberk B, Irfanoglu MO, Akarun L and Alpaydin E (2005), "Selection of location, frequency, and orientation parameters of 2D Gabor wavelets for face recognition", In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Advanced Studies in Biometrics). Vol. 3161, pp. 138 – 146. [DOI] [URL]
Gökberk B, Salah AA and Akarun L (2005), "Rank-based decision fusion for 3D shape-based face recognition", In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (International Conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication). Vol. 3546, pp. 1019 – 1028. [DOI] [URL]
Gökberk B, Akarun L and Aksan B (2004), "How to deceive a face recognizer?", In Biometrics: Challenges Arising from Theory to Practice Workshop (BCTP).
Irfanoǧlu M, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2004), "3D shape-based face recognition using automatically registered facial surfaces", In International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. 4, pp. 183 – 186. [DOI] [URL]
Irfanoǧlu MO, Gökberk B and Akarun L (2004), "3D shape-based face recognition using registered surface similarity", In IEEE 12th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference. , pp. 571 – 574 [DOI] [URL]
Gökberk B, Akarun L and Alpaydın E (2003), "Selection of kernel location, frequency, and orientation parameters of 2D Gabor wavelets for face recognition", In Perception. Vol. 32
Gökberk B, Irfanoglu M, Akarun L and Alpaydin E (2003), "Optimal Gabor kernel location selection for face recognition", In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Vol. 1, pp. 677 – 680. [DOI] [URL]
Gökberk B, Irfanoğlu MO, Doğu H, Akarun L and Alpaydın E (2003), "Yüz Tanıma İçin Eniyi Gabor Parametrelerinin Seçimi", In IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference.
Gökberk B, Akarun L and Alpaydin E (2002), "Feature selection for pose invariant face recognition", In International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. 16(4), pp. 306 – 309. [DOI] [URL]
Gökberk B, Akarun L and Alpaydin E (2001), "Gabor Wavelet Based Pose Estimation for Face Recognition", In 16th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences. , pp. 275 – 280.